The benefit of a clean trash chute

Having a trash chute in the building you manage can be a huge advantage and one of many selling points that your tenants and residents absolutely love. However, if you don’t maintain it, it can very quickly become a burden and cause dissatisfaction to the point where your tenants may choose to find other accommodation. Don’t let it get to that point! Here’s a list of reasons why you should maintain your trash chute with regular cleaning.


The last thing any manager or owner wants is for their place to be known as the residence where tenants go to get sick! Without proper maintenance, the trash chute can become a breeding ground for microorganisms, bacteria, infection, pests and mold which can trigger allergies, create poor air quality, and promote anything but healthy living. Believe me, you do NOT want to have to deal with a full on rat infestation. Not only is it a hassle, but rats can carry disease and put everyone at risk.

Ambience & Comfort

Rats aren’t the only type of pest that can invade your building either. Cockroaches, flies, and other insects can accumulate to the point where no one will really feel comfortable and may be too grossed out to want to live or work there. Additionally, the odor of an uncleaned trash chute isn’t for the faint of heart. You and your clientele shouldn’t have to hold your breath every time you walk by or try to find a strong air freshener to counteract the horrid aroma. Cleaning is the immediate and long term solution to your pest and odor problem.


As more and more grease builds up in the trash chute, you increase your risk of a grease fire. Perhaps for more than any other reason, you should definitely want to keep the trash chute clean for the safety of all tenants and employees. An unattended grease fire can easily get out of hand and damage property as well.


If health, safety, and a comfortable ambience aren’t reason enough to maintain a trash chute, then having to purchase a new one entirely once it’s damaged beyond repair should be. Add that to the costs of pest extermination, extra cleaning services to eliminate organismal growth and mold in the building, and you’ve got a running bill with little to no end in sight. Avoid all that hassle today and get your trash chute cleaned!